
Do ktorej skupiny hráčov patríte?
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Autor:  Majo [ Št. 16. Okt 2008, 17:39 ]
Predmet príspevku:  Do ktorej skupiny hráčov patríte?

V jednej hre co som cital (Anima Prime), je zaujimave rozdelenie typov hracov. Nie su to uplne vsetky typy, ale tie zakladne. Je to len urcity pohlad na rozdelovania hracov. Nechcelo sa mi to prekladat, tak som to tu dal v anglictine. Prelozil som akurat ten priklad na konci.
Do ktorej skupiny patrite?
Pravdepodobne nebudete patrit na 100% len do jednej skupiny mozete to rozdelit podla toho kde nakolko patrite, napr.: 30% enjoy chllenges + 50% enjoy wish fullfillment + 20% enjoy drama, a pod.

One of the main aspects of this game, and most other roleplaying games, is
conflict. In most cases, this manifests as battles between the PCs and others. The
joy that players get out of these battles can come from different player goals and
interests, and among those are being challenged, being badass, and being involved
in dramatic storytelling. Other playstyles certainly exist, but for the purposes of
improving your Anima Prime experience, I just want to talk about the ones I
personally know well and enjoy, in part because they are actively supported by
these rules.
Please keep in mind that, like all playstyle issues, these are not absolute: most
players like to do several of these to some degree, at various times, even during a
single play session. When I talk about “this kind of player,” it’s just shorthand for
“a player who has this interest at this particular moment of play.”

Three Broad Categories
Players who are interested in (A) challenges like to prove their skill at something.
They enjoy having to work for a payoff. If you are the kind of person who plays
video games on the highest difficulty level, working on your mastery of the game
until you finally get the reward of beating it against all odds, then you’re very
familiar with the thrill of challenge-based playing. I love to play this way, and our
previous game Beast Hunters was built specifically for this playstyle.

Players who enjoy (B) wish fulfillment like to be successful in the game. They like
their characters to be not just good, but undeniably great at what they do. They
don’t mind if the difficulty of the game is low, because the payoff is being able to
pretend, just for a little while, that they’re unstoppable asskickers who can reliably
make a difference in the world. I used to play Werewolf: the Apocalypse partly
for this reason: it allowed me to be a badass who can tear apart anyone in his way
while fighting the corruption of our modern world.

Players who enjoy (C) drama in their stories like to put their characters through the
wringer. They are not thinking in terms of how they as players can beat the
challenge, and they definitely don’t want their characters always to come out on
top. Quite to the contrary, they understand that the most dramatic stories involve
loss, sacrifice, defeat, tragedy, and other ways of suffering. They may act contrary
to their characters’ interests in order to make the outcome of a conflict more
dramatic, and they purposely set up stories to lead their characters to the toughest
choices they could possibly be forced to make. More often than not, this is the
kind of play I enjoy.

Here’s an example. In the movie Die Harder, terrorists have taken over an airport
and messed with the landing guidance system. The hero runs out onto the
runway and tries to warn the incoming plane. However, the plane crashes and
burns, and hundreds of innocent people die. You could look at this event, if it
happened as a conflict in an RPG, in different ways. You could say: nice effort on
his part, but not good enough; I would have done x, y and z (that is, you think of
the situation as a challenge to be solved). You could feel bad that the hero didn’t
succeed and think that the story’s worse for it; maybe you were in the mood for
something uplifting and not all this death and suffering. Or you could be excited
at the dramatic impact of the hero who tried his hardest and failed, and imagine
the potential for how that will play out during the rest of the story.

Priklad: Vo filme Die Harder, teroristi ovladnu letisko a poskodia navadzaci pristavaci system. Hrdina bezi na pristavaciu plochu a snazi sa varovat prichadzajuce lietadlo. Avsak lietadlo havaruje, zhori a stovky nevinnych ludi zomrie. Ty sa mozes pozerat na tuto udalost, ak by sa stala ako konflikt v RPG, roznymi sposobmi.
(A) Mozes povedat: dobra snaha z jeho strany, ale nebolo to dostacujuce, ja na jeho mieste by som urobil este x, y a z (vtedy ak uvazujes o situacii ako prekazke, ktoru treba vyriesit).
(B) Mozes sa citit zle s toho ze hrdina zlyhal a pribeh to poskodilo, mozno si mal naladu na nieco povznasajuce a nie na toto zomieranie a utrpenie.
(C) Alebo mozes byt vzruseny z dramatickeho dopad na hrdinu, ktory urobil vsetko co mohol a aj tak zlyhal, a predstavit si potencial ako sa to prejavi vo zvysku priehu.

Autor:  Aljen [ Št. 16. Okt 2008, 18:04 ]
Predmet príspevku:  Re: Do ktorej skupiny hráčov patríte?

A co ty Majo?
Davas otazku ale sam na nu neodpovedas.

u mna asi
A: 25%
B: 5%

Autor:  Majo [ Št. 16. Okt 2008, 20:20 ]
Predmet príspevku:  Re: Do ktorej skupiny hráčov patríte?

Samozrejme, ze odpoviem. :-)
Ale uvedomil som si, ze to nie je az take lahke sa zaradit.
Takze asi:
(A) 10%
(B) 40%
(C) 50%

Autor:  Aeris [ Pi. 17. Okt 2008, 9:06 ]
Predmet príspevku:  Re: Do ktorej skupiny hráčov patríte?

Podľa týchto troch kategórií to u seba vidím zhruba asi takto:

(A) 10~20%
(B) 5~10%
(C) 70~85%

Ak by som to mal odôvodniť, tak:
(A) - Mám rád čo i len trochu rozvinutejšie bojové systémy v RPGčkach, kde treba väčšinou preukázať trochu zručnosti, či už z pravidlového, alebo len čisto taktického hľadiska. Taktiež ma bavia scény založené na conflict resolution, kde väčšinou nejde už ani tak o pravidlá, ale čo najvynaliezavejšie riešenia, čo je taktiež istá forma zručnosti.

(B) - Aj keď som síce fanúšik Sword and Sorcery štýlu, kde sa to väčšinou hemží demi-god protagonistami, určite pocit všemocnosti nie je to, čo v RPG hľadám (pokiaľ to pravda nie je životným cieľom postavy, ktorú mám hrať, atď.)

(C) - Toto je presne to, prečo hrám RPG. Nemám totižto schopnosti vytvoriť dobrý príbeh osamote, preto sa radšej zgrupím s podobne zmýšľajúcimi indivíduami, aby sme spoločne vytvorili príbeh, ktorý nás baví. Pri hraní preto vždy dávam prednosť fantázií a improvizácií pred pravidlami, pravda, všetko má svoje medze, no zvyčajne je mi to úplne jedno, že sa hra zvrhne v čosi úplne iné, pokiaľ to všetkých prítomných baví.

Autor:  Odin [ Pi. 12. Dec 2008, 13:45 ]
Predmet príspevku:  Re: Do ktorej skupiny hráčov patríte?

A - 10%
B - 10%
C - 80%

To hlavne je pre mna jednoznacne pribeh a jeho konzistencia (v ramci moznosti).

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